Breast Cancer & Dental Treatments

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is the most widespread cancer among Canadian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers). It is the second cause of death from cancer in Canadian women. We have mothers, sisters, friends, and neighbors who struggle against the disease every day. If you have breast cancer or have survived this…

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Frequently asked questions: dental cleaning

What is Dental Cleaning? Dental Clearing, Teeth cleaning also known as prophylaxis is a dental hygiene procedure, usually performed by a dental hygienist or a dentist. The primary aim is to eradicate dental plaque.  The plaque is a tacky layer comprising of bacteria that is created on the teeth. Tartar is a hardened form of plaque…

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Why You Might Want to Consider Porcelain Veneers

It is common for a smile to be impacted by cosmetic imperfections. In some instances, these are nothing to be concerned about. In others, they can cause emotional discomfort, lead to a bad first impression, and even diminish your chances of progressing at work. Of course, with more people working from home, the latter has…

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